Hydraulic driven boosters

The hydraulic driven booster is a device that increases the pressure of the fluids. When acting in one direction, it consists of two connected cylinders, different in diameter. When acting in both directions, the cylinders are three in number. The hydraulic driven booster is a device that increases the pressure of the fluids. When acting in one direction, it consists of two connected cylinders, different in diameter. When acting in both directions, the cylinders are three in number. Operating principle: a fluid with low pressure is supplied into the cylinder "В" /see fig. 1 and fig. 2/, which has a bigger diameter, and a fluid with high pressure is pushed out of the cylinders"М" or"N", which have smaller diameters.The ratio “K” of the pressure increase is determined by the correlation between the areas on which the pressure in the corresponding cylinders is applied according to the formulas:

       -  for cylinder "М"

       KM= (D² - d1² )/D1²        (d1², when the cylinder is a plunger one)

       -  for cylinder "N"

       KN= (D² - d2² )/D2²         (d2², when the cylinder is a plunger one)

    For the continuous work of the multiplier is necessary to have a continuous reverse of the input flow on ports B1 and B2.The multipliers, produced by HIDROPNEVMOTEHNIKA AD, are offered not only as individual items, but also combined with a power pack /for example see fig. 3 and fig. 4/, the characteristics of which are based on the specific requirements of the customer. The power pack, except controlling the operation of the multiplier, can perform additional hydraulic functions as well.

Shema Booster1

Multiplier acting in both directions. Multiplier acting in both directions. In cylinders "М" and "N" the working fluid is a liquid.


Shema Booster2

Multiplier acting in both directions. Multiplier acting in both directions. In cylinders "М" and "N" the working fluid is gaseous.Cylinders "М" and "N" are cooled down


ML .../...

MLV .../...

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